2016 US Presidential Election Donald Trump Vote by colour..
58% of Whites voted Trump
29% of Hispanic/Latino voted Trump
29% of Asian voted Trump
8% of Blacks voted Trump
16% of Black men with a college Degree voted Trump
11% of Black men without a college Degree voted Trump
6% of Black women with a college Degree voted Trump
3% of Black women without a college Degree voted Trump
72% of White men without a college Degree voted Trump
62% of White women without a college Degree voted Trump
54% of White men with a college Degree voted Trump
45% of White women with a college Degree voted Trump
28% of Non-White men with a college Degree voted Trump
25% of Non-White men without a college Degree voted Trump
19% of Non-White men with a college Degree voted Trump
16% of Non-White women without a college Degree voted Trump
2016 US Presidential Election Donald Trump Vote by Sex
53% of Men voted Trump
42% of Women voted Trump
2016 US Presidential Election Donald Trump Vote by Sex
90% of Republicans voted Trump
9% of Democrats voted Trump
2016 US Presidential Election Donald Trump Vote by Military History
61% of US Military (current and Ex) voted Trump
45% of Non Military (current and Ex) voted Trump
National exit poll results https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/exit-polls/
80.1 - 891,954