The £350 Million to the NHS suggestion

Was the £350 Million to the NHS a promise or a suggestion?

The statement “Lets Fund the NHS Instead”, by people not in power to do it, somehow became a promise to fund the NHS.

Was the £350 Million to the NHS a promise or a suggestion?..

This was the bus that caused the discussion, and the statement “Lets fund the NHS instead”  somehow became a promise to fund the NHS.

Vote Leave’s pledge to ‘stop sending £350 million a week to Brussels and spend it on our priorities like the NHS’ was one of the keys to its victory.

The Government, who wanted people to Vote LEAVE, and were against the suggestion to share the £350 million a week, and in fact stated it was wrong anyway, are the ones who decide how the money is spent.

The people wanting the LEAVE win, are not in the position of power to make these changes.

The figures for 2018 were actually:

£17.4 billion EU agreed gross figure (£334.6 million per week)
£ 4.2 billion rebate (£80.7 million per week)
£13.2 billion net paid to the EU (£253.8 million per week)

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