Conversion: Litres – Pints – Liters

A common liquid measurement that often gets confused in conversion is the Litre (Liter) to Pints.

The reason for the confusion is purely down to the two different values of the Pint, as shown below.

1 litre = 2.11337642 US pints
1 litre = 1.75975326 Imperial pints

This cropped up today when I was wanting to convert the measurement of 4 pints into litres, and the answer seemed wrong.

My first check ended up with an answer of 4 pints = 1.893 litres, but I could swear from memory, that it was over 2 litres.

A bit more checking and I found:

4 Imperial pints = 2.27304594 litres
4 US pints = 1.89270589 litres

At least I now have my answer, and a reminder about the differences to be aware of.



More Pints and more Confusion: 1 Pint = 473mL or 551 mL or 568mL ….

The Pint (Measurement) around the world

1 Imperial pint = 1⁄8 Imperial gallon / 20 Imperial fluid ounces / 568 millilitres (568 mL) / 1.201 US liquid pints / 1.032 US dry pints
1 US liquid pint = 1⁄8 US liquid gallon / 16 US fluid ounces / 473 millilitres ( 473 mL) / 0.833 imperial pints / 0.859 US dry pints
1 US dry pint = 1⁄8 US dry gallons / 550.610 millilitres (551 mL) / 0.969 imperial pints / 1.164 US liquid pints

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