Median Full Time Wage in United States 2019

2019 Median Full Time Wage in United States..

The Median weekly earnings of full-time workers was $919 per week in the third quarter of 2019.  ($47,788 per year)

Annual figures would be:

$52,104 per year for Men.
$42,900 per year for Women.

Education seems to have a major impact on incomes, as these median weekly incomes show:

$606 Full-time workers age 25 and over without a high school diploma
$749 for high school graduates (no college)
$1,383 for those holding at least a bachelor’s degree.

The higher paid college graduates with advanced degrees (master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees), were among the highest earning ten percent of workers with median weekly earnings of:
$3,922 Male
$2,892 Female

Age also has an impact, with median weekly incomes by age group being:

US Male Median Full Time Wage 2019

$ 507 for men ages 16 to 19
$ 619 for men ages 20 to 24
$ 899 for men ages 25 to 34
$1,143 for men ages 35 to 44
$1,184 for men ages 45 to 54
$1,153 for men ages 55 to 64
$1,079 for men over 65

US Female Median Full Time Wage 2019

$ 439 for women ages 16 to 19
$ 559 for women ages 20 to 24
$ 806 for women ages 25 to 34
$ 925 for women ages 35 to 44
$ 926 for women ages 45 to 54
$ 855 for women ages 55 to 64
$ 846 for women over 65

These figures are based on 118.4 million full-time wage and salary workers, and is from the US Department of Labor [PDF File].

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