China’s Peace Plan: Point 9.

Facilitating grain exports.

China’s Peace Plan for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Point 9 of China’s Peace Plan is to Facilitate Grain Exports from Ukraine, to aid the rest of the world.

This had already begun in mid 2022, but had been hampered by Russian military activity over the Black Sea, through which the cargo vessels must travel.

May 2022

Millions of people will starve to death unless Russia allows the export of Ukrainian grain from blockaded ports, foreign ministers from the G7 have said.

Ukraine, one of the world’s largest grain exporters, normally supplies around 45 million tonnes of grain to the global market every year but, following Russia’s invasion of the country, in late February 2022, mountains of grains built up in silos, with ships unable to secure safe passage to and from Ukrainian ports, and land routes unable to compensate.

This contributed to a jump in the price of staple foods around the world. Combined with increases in the cost of energy, developing countries were pushed to the brink of debt default and increasing numbers of people found themselves on the brink of famine.

Russia halting Ukraine grain exports will most heavily hit those already facing extreme hunger, warns International Rescue Committee.

In July 2022, the UN and Turkey brokered a deal, which was signed by both Russia and Ukraine, allowing Ukrainian agricultural goods to be transported over the Black Sea and onto the global market until November 2022.

On 29 October 2022, Russia said it was suspending its participation in this agreement to secure the export of Ukrainian grain out to the global market.

According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow is exiting the grain deal for an “undetermined period.”

On 30 October 2022, Ukraine stated that 218 ships involved in grain exports were currently blocked, with 22of those already loaded but stuck in port.

On 2 November 2022, Russia agreed to an extension of 120 days.

In December 2022, the Russian Union of Grain Exporters said that Russia’s own total grain exports are expected to rise by 10% from a year ago.

In March 2023 Russia agreed to an extension of just 60 days, from 18 March 2023. Russia agreed to this extension even though they had previously hinted that they might block the extension.

It is understandable that China would want to be seen as urging Russia to agree to Ukrainian agricultural goods being transported over the Black Sea and onto the global market.

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