Pimples, the bain of some peoples lives. I think I was lucky when growing up as I never experienced this problem, however, having now had to find information on it, I will share my findings.
Clearasil Pimple Treatment Cream – |
Pimples, the bain of some peoples lives. I think I was lucky when growing up as I never experienced this problem, however, having now had to find information on it, I will share my findings.
Clearasil Pimple Treatment Cream – |
Can Cancer be cured ? There are some interesting thoughts on the subject, from natural remedies to the most intrusive of surgery.
But the thoughts I have had recently have been on WHY cancer has seemed to become more common … Read the rest
A persons normal Blood Pressure reading is around 120/80
The first number, the systolic blood pressure represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood into them.
The second number, the diastolic blood pressure represents … Read the rest
Prescription Swimming Goggles are something that I never even considered as being available. But today I was asked about them, so I had to find out, and I have realised that they are useful for some people.
From what I … Read the rest
How to make your own Skin Scrub from Sugar and Olive Oil
Mix together the 60 ml of olive oil with one tablespoon of … Read the rest
A few comparisons of Contact Lens prices can be found at the following suppliers….
As at August 2009, more than 5.8 million doses of Gardasil had been distributed in Australia, through the national cervical cancer immunisation campaign.
As at 10th August 2009, a total of 1,394 suspected adverse reactions had been reported … Read the rest
… Stop eating…
Well, not exactly, but I did work out that if I stop eating certain foods, that my heartburn went away.
Heartburn is a symptom of the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, in which stomach acids surge upwards from the … Read the rest
A product that I found to be very good in Australia is:
The 50 gm tube prices at Jan 2010 are:
$20.01 ($15.11 + $4.90) www.naturalhealthorganics.com.au
$20.94 ($16.95 + $3.99) www.goldenglow.com.au… Read the rest