Gordon Ramsay’s World Kitchen (“F-Word”)..
What do you fancy for dinner tonight? Italian? Chinese? French? With so many varieties of cuisine on offering our increasingly global lives, Gordon has put together an amazing book featuring his favourite recipes from around the world.
Each chapter features a different country’s dishes that we love to eat, and would love to learn more about. Gordon delves into Middle Eastern, American, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Spanish, French, Italian, Greek and of course, British.
There are recipes for starters, mains and desserts. In addition, he explains certain techniques to go with each type of cuisine. For example, he shows how to make fresh pasta, which is then used in his recipe for Spinach, ricotta and pinenut ravioli, and Curry paste which is used in a Fragrant green curry with beef.
Each chapter begins with information on one of the most important ingredients each cuisine has to offer, and five ways in which to enjoy it, like his Spanish-inspired Five ways with piquillo peppers.
No matter what kind of dish you are in the mood for, Gordon provides an innovative range of recipes for every day, weekends and easy entertaining. With stunning photography by Chris Terry, this is a fresh, modern addition to the ever-popular F Word collection, in tune with our global tastebuds.
Best prices in July 2010 for
Gordon Ramsay’s World Kitchen (“F-Word”)
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Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Published: 06 November 2009
Format: Hardback 256 pages
ISBN: 9781844007134
Price in AUD at Nov 2010
- $30.12 Bookdepository Buy Now with FREE Delivery Worldwide
- $31.39 Fishpond Buy Now with FREE Delivery
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