Homicide by Firearm: Rate per Million population

Homicide by Firearm around the World

Countries with less than 1 Homicide by Firearm per Million population

Japan, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Norway, Algeria, France, England and Wales, Hungary, Israel and Poland

Countries with between 1.0 and 1.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Mauritius, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Australia, Qatar, New Zealand, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany.


Homicide by Firearm: Rate per Million population..

Countries with less than 1 Homicide by Firearm per Million population

Japan, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Norway, Algeria, France, England and Wales, Hungary, Israel and Poland

Countries with between 1.0 and 1.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Mauritius, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Australia, Qatar, New Zealand, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany.

Countries with between 2.0 and 2.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Spain, Austria, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Cuba, Estonia, Malaysia, Greece, India, Denmark, Northern Ireland and Armenia

Countries with between 3.0 and 3.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Nepal, Netherlands, Zambia and Croatia

Countries with between 4.0 and 4.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Portugal, Sweden, Liberia, Finland, Cyprus, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland and Jordan

Countries with between 5.0 and 5.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Taiwan and Egypt

Countries with between 6.0 and 6.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Belgium

Countries with between 7.0 and 7.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Italy, Lebanon, Switzerland and Turkey

Countries with between 8.0 and 9.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Uganda and Vietnam

Countries with between 10.0 and 19.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Bangladesh, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Dem Rep of Congo, Maldives and Albania

Countries with between 20.0 and 29.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Chile, Sierra Leone, Peru, Uruguay, Liechtenstein, West Bank & Gaza, United States and Barbados

Countries with between 30.0 and 49.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Argentina, Costa Rica and Zimbabwe

Countries with between 50.0 and 99.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Nicaragua, Anguilla, Paraguay, Philippines and Mexico

Countries with between 100.0 and 199.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Guyana, Ecuador, Bahamas, Panama, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Brazil and Puerto Rico

Countries with between 200.0 and 299.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Belize, Colombia and Trinidad & Tobago

Countries with between 300.0 and 399.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population

Saint Kitts and Nevis, Guatemala, Venezuela, Jamaica and El Salvador

Countries with between 400.0 and 699.99 Homicides by Firearm per Million population


There were 9 countries that showed nil Homicides by Firearm per Million population.

Bahrain, Bermuda, Brunei, Grenada, Hong Kong, Iceland, Malta, Monaco and Solomon Islands

Not all countries produced data for this survey. Only 107 countries are shown with figures above zero.

Another 69 countries listed showed no infomation for Homicides by Firearm per Million population.

Source: Small Arms Survey (2007–12 average) World Bank

Definition of Homicide

Homicide can include murder, manslaughter, suicide etc.

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