Income Tax Rates in Scotland 2019-20

Scottish Income Tax Rates  2019-20..

Scottish Income Tax rates are not the same as Income Tax rates in England and Wales, but they do have the same tax free allowances.

The Standard UK Personal Allowance for tax-free income is £12,500.  Scottish Income Tax becomes due on any income above that.

19% Between £12,500 and £14,549
20% Between £14,549 and £24,944
21% Between £24,944 and £43,430
41% Between £43,430 and £150,000
46% Above £150,000


A middle income earner in Scotland would earn about £50,000, and pay Scottish income tax calculated at:

£12,500 taxed at 0% = tax of £0
£2,049 taxed at 19% = tax of £389.31
£10,395 taxed at 20% = tax of £2079.00
£25,056 taxed at 21% = tax of £5261.76

Total Income £50,000 with total tax of £7,730.07 or 15.46%

Someone earning a gross figure of £200,000 would have Scottish income tax calculated at:

12,500 taxed at 0% = tax of £0
2,049 taxed at 19% = tax of £389.31
10,395 taxed at 20% = tax of £2,079.00
18,486 taxed at 21% = tax of £3,882.06
106,570 taxed at 41% = tax of £43,693.70
50,000 taxed at 46% = tax of £23,000.00

Total Income £200,000 with total tax of £73,044.07 or 36.52%

Scottish income tax is only payable by Scottish taxpayers and this is based on where your main place of residence is.

An article linked below shows that Scottish middle classes pay at least £1,000 more income tax than the English.…/scottish-middle-classes-pay

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