Median Wage in United States 2016

2016 Median Wage in United States..

The median wage in the United States during 2016 is estimated to be $30,533 per year.

This is based on 163,520,606 workers.

  • 70,075,212 people earned under $25,000 – 42.85% of the total
  • 44,496,340 people earned between $25,000 and 50,000 – 27.21% of the total
  • 34,098,312 people earned between $50,000 and $100,000 – 20.85% of the total
  • 11,528,382 people earned between $100,000 and $200,000 -7.05% of the total
  • 3,322,360 people earned over $200,000 – 2.03% of the total

Highest and Lowest Earners in the United States

  • 133,137 people (0.08% of all workers) earned over $1,000,000
  • 2,972 of those earned over $10 million.
  • 21,816,123 people (13.34% of all workers) earned under $5,000.
  • 81.2 million people (50% of all workers) earned under the median income of $30,533 per year.

US Median Wages in 2016 by Segments

  • 21.62% earned under $10,000
  • 27.72% earned between $10,000 and $30,000
  • 24.47% earned between $30,000 and $55,000
  • 26.20% earned over $55,000

The wage compensation figures shown above are those quoted as “Compensation subject to Federal income taxes”, in the official Government figures.  Median wages include both Full Time and part time.

Source: US Social Security Online

Historical US Median Wages

  • The US median wage during 2009 is estimated to be $26,261 per year
  • The US median wage during 2010 is estimated to be $26,363 per year.  0.39% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2011 is estimated to be $26,965 per year.  2.28% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2012 is estimated to be $27,519 per year.  2.05% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2013 is estimated to be $28,031 per year.  1.86% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2014 is estimated to be $28,851 per year.  2.93% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2015 is estimated to be $29,930 per year.  3.74% growth in the year.
  • The US median wage during 2016 is estimated to be $30,533 per year. 2.01% growth in the year.

Under $5,000 per year

  • 14.27% of all workers earned under $5,000 in 2014
  • 13.68% of all workers earned under $5,000 in 2015. A 4.13% reduction
  • 13.34% of all workers earned under $5,000 in 2016. A 2.49% reduction

Over $200,000 per year

  • 1.83% of all workers earned over $200,000 in 2014
  • 1.97% of all workers earned over $200,000 in 2015. A 7.65% increase
  • 2.03% of all workers earned over $200,000 in 2016. A 3.05% increase


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