What is EU Citizenship

Does EU Citizenship actually Exist?..

With the situation between Britain and the European Union, a lot of people, mainly British, are wondering and asking about EU Citizenship, after Britain leaves the EU.

According to the EU, all citizens of an EU country are automatically citizens of the EU.

But how does that relate to the normal definition of Citizenship?

What is Citizenship

Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation.

Is the EU a Sovereign State or a Nation?

The European Union, because it is so large and consists of so many characteristics of a typical state, is often mistakenly referred to as a state or a country.  That wording is from a University that was studying the EU.

Also, in 2018, the EU itself confirmed that it wasn’t, when the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker,  in his state of the union speech, titled The Hour of European Sovereignty, appealed to MEPs and heads of government to give the EU the powers and characteristics traditionally restricted to states.

Does the EU issue Passports?..

No, the EU does NOT issue passports.

Citizenship of a Country allows you to get a passport of that country.  But the EU does not issue passports, as they are not a Country, and as such do not issue Passports.

EU Citizenship

Will the British Lose EU Citizenship after Brexit?

Yes.  British passport holders will no longer be considered to be citizens of the EU after the UK leaves the EU.

If you are a member of a Club, or Union, but leave that Club or Union, then you would no longer be considered a member, as you left!

It is the same with the EU.  It is only membership.

Can the Dutch, who do not normally permit Dual Citizenship, allow Dual Citizenship with the EU?

The Dutch government aims to limit dual citizenship as much as possible. For this reason, it is mandatory to renounce other nationalities when becoming a Dutch citizen.

Can the Austrians,who do not normally permit Dual Citizenship, allow Dual Citizenship with the EU?

The Austrian Nationality Act does not allow dual citizenship.

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